Step-by-Step International Pte. Ltd.
Reg. No.: 200407944M
Essential Knowledge, A Concise Learning Experience
We publish various A-Level Chemistry Books, A-Level Mathematics Books, and A-Level Physics Books,
(mainly for the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A-Level (Higher 2) syllabus).
A-Level Study Guides cover the essentials to help our readers learn and apply the relevant theories.
A-Level Practice Questions contain both questions and suggested solutions,
with all solutions showing the essential steps to apply the relevant theories.
All our books should also help readers study and prepare for their A-Level examinations.
An Ancient Chinese Proverb:
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
授人以鱼, 三餐之需; 授人以渔, 终生之用
We believe our books will also help our readers learn to
fish for knowledge
i.e. learn to
learn and apply the relevant knowledge.
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please consider asking the store manager to (re-)order,
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